

It was 2016 when my first daughter Amalia was born and like all first time mums something deep inside of me changed. I had always been a pretty carefree person but I suddenly became incredibly anxious, worrying about everything, in particular sleep and letting her cry.


I tried to listen to my intuition, but the messages I received from health professionals and those close to me caused me to doubt myself. I began to feel that what I felt was right for my baby wasn’t safe. She needed to be “taught” how to sleep and when she needed to be fed. I was supposed to make her sit up right before she had the muscles, and start eating solids long before she showed signs of truly being ready.

I could not bear to listen to my daughter cry, and I breastfed her through every tear, pain or hurt and she was sleeping so badly, I was up night after night feeling incredibly worn out.

All of this led me into a space of constantly questioning myself. My heart was telling me one thing, but my head was conflicted by what everyone else recommended. Upon reflecting now, I can see that I was wanting my daughter to experience the childhood I had not received as a baby. I was raised by a generation who believed authoritarian parenting was what was best for babies and children. Love was conditional and children’s best interests were decided for them.

This style of parenting did not resonate with me and I knew I wanted to raise my baby differently. And so I subconsciously did the opposite.


As I began to realise

that I wanted to do things differently than the mainstream style of parenting, I started to seek out more information.

I read books. I got recommendations from a lactation consultant and a night nurse. I spoke with other mothers and started connecting with Facebook groups and websites online, desperate for guidance but also support.

By the time I felt like I was just starting to find my feet as a mother, my second daughter Kiana came into the world. I naively thought that because I’d been through this once and was no longer a first-time mum, the second time would be breezy. She promptly came to show me I was wrong. She cried for the first 8 weeks straight. No amount of breastfeeding would to settle her, or jiggling up and down. She just cried and cried and cried. I was totally broken and at a loss, because I couldn’t work out how to connect with her. I felt like I was failing as a mother and was completely shattered.

It was about this time that I was sharing how exhausted I was with a close friend, and she suggested I look into Aware Parenting by Aletha Solter. I started reading her books and delved deeply into the theory. As I read page after page and started exploring what this paradigm had to offer, I felt this deep knowing and sense of understating. It was as if I was finally coming home. It supported me to understand that we can meet everybody’s needs in the family, and still build a loving, secure and connected attachment

This was when I realised Kiana had come to teach me a very important lesson


That my role as a mother was not to “fix” my babies,

but rather to accept and love all of them, including all their different feelings, emotions and needs.

After exploring Aware Parenting in workshops, immersions and sessions with Lael Stone and delving deeply into an Aware Parenting instructor course with Marion Rose, I felt called to become an instructor. I knew this way of parenting was my soul’s calling. It gave me the most beautiful foundation and blueprint. I practiced the theories and teachings at home and I saw the incredible benefits and the beautiful connection I was creating with my girls. I heard a deep calling to share this with the world, as I’d already begun to see the ripple effect with my immediate family and close friends.


Women circles always spoke to my heart

and I longed for community, a village, a space where I could connect with like-minded souls.

As I started offering space for women to connect, I started to create a bridge between Aware Parenting, mother circles, and feminine wisdom that offered a beautiful way of life for women and mothers that felt incredibly nourishing and natural. And so ‘The Way of the Woman’ was born…a heartfelt community space to guide and support you to become the woman and mother you were born to be.

I offer safe spaces for you to explore your feelings, where you can learn about how to get your own needs met side-by-side with meeting the needs of your children.

I believe that in order to raise our beautiful children consciously, we need to heal ourselves as mothers and reclaim, honour and accept all the pieces that are deep within us. Along this journey you’ll also learn to connect with family rituals and ancient wisdom that was lost long ago.

From this space we can start to build a village and support one another so we feel less alone on our mothering journeys.

I would like to give thanks to this incredibly privileged life I live….


None of this at all would be possible without my family.

I feel so grateful to have an incredibly supportive husband, Clint, and my two beautiful daughters. These three souls guide, support and love me unconditionally. They have given me the strength to truly live my truth. I love you all dearly.

My journey here is for the children, all the unspoken one’s who are yet to be heard and seen. And for the mothers, seeking and asking about a new way of raising the next generation.

With love, Danni Willow


I would love to here from you! Please feel free to send me an email or alternatively contact me via my contact form on the connect page.